Harpe Bioherbicide plants equity round for innovative weed-killer

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RALEIGH – Harpe Bioherbicide SolAuitons Inc., which is developing safe and natural weed-killers, has raised $770,000 in equity, according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Sixteen investors participated in the raise. William Buckner is named as executive and director. Other executives and directors listed on the filing include: Adan Connoly, Chad Brommer, and Daniel Pepitone.

The company is associated with RTP=based Termir Miracula, listed as “promoter” on its SEC filing. The Termir website includes a brief overview of the company. Termir won the 2020 Alexandria Launchlabs AgTech Innovation award for its environmentally safe treatment for citrus greening, which threatens orange crops.

According to Termir, the Harpe portfolio offers biological herbicides with new modes and sites of action that can be used alone or in combination with any currently available herbicides.

Harpe provides a safe and natural approach to rid crops and landscaping of weeds while supporting farmers’ need to overcome weeds resistant to currently available synthetic herbicide products.

Original Article Source: WRAL TechWire