High-tech shooting startup OnPoint raises $905K, seeks another $320K

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RALEIGH — Raleigh startup OnPoint has raised roughly $905,000 in equity from 12 investors, according to a recent securities filing.

The company is seeking to raise another $320,000.

The filing noted a portion of the capital raise may be utilized as ordinary salary or consulting payments for the officers and directors prior to achieving profitability.

After months of anticipation, the company’s high-tech shooting range, located at 3501 Spring Forest Road, opened its doors in Raleigh in July.

The center is designed to be social, family friendly and all about the “sport of shooting” with its own proprietary gamification technology.

Among the offerings: auto-scoring targets, immersive audio guidance with electronic headsets and its own mobile app.

“We identified a need, and are leveraging lots of different technologies to create a user experience that is essentially second to none,” Houck Reed has said.

Original Article Source: WRAL TechWire