NC IDEA launches fund-raising program targeting North Carolina startups
Date Published:NC IDEA launched a new fundraising program to support entrepreneurial ambition and small businesses amid COVID-19 setbacks.
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DURHAM – NC IDEA, a private foundation committed to supporting entrepreneurial ambition and economic empowerment in North Carolina, announced Friday that for the first time in the history of the organization, they will begin accepting donations to fund various grant programs that support early stage entrepreneurs of North Carolina.
“Now more than ever, the need is greater and simply beyond our capacity to fill alone. Entrepreneurs throughout North Carolina need assistance if together we are to protect the fragile but vital entrepreneurial ecosystem,” said Thom Ruhe, NC IDEA CEO and President.
During these unprecedented times, NC IDEA is working hard to support the entrepreneurs of North Carolina.
Now more than ever, our early stage ecosystem needs support. Young firms are fragile but vital in restoring our economic potential; employment growth in particular. Entrepreneurs in North Carolina need your help to survive this global challenge. Consider joining us as Partners in Purpose and making a gift today for the entrepreneurs of North Carolina to survive, grow and thrive during this challenging time.
Since 2006, we have provided funding and assistance for people trying to build great companies, that create jobs and strengthen our economy. For the last three years, we have been spending nearly double what is required by the IRS to help more entrepreneurs and ecosystem partners. The board and staff have been proactive because we have seen the need and opportunity to have greater impact.
Please consider what you can do to help keep North Carolina entrepreneurially strong. 100% of your generous donation will be deployed to our programs that support people through the challenges of starting and growing companies.
Since 2006, NC IDEA has supported early stage entrepreneurs working to start and grow companies with the potential of high growth and economic impact. Over the years, the organization has developed a sophisticated process for soliciting and vetting applications, and disbursing funds tied to specific activities and outcomes. The process is supported by an extensive network of core reviewers representing the state’s economic development organizations, universities, incubators and accelerators, and investment community.
“For years we have provided funding and assistance for people trying to build great companies that create jobs and strengthen our economy. Over the last three years, we have been spending nearly double what is required by the IRS to help more entrepreneurs and ecosystem partners,” Ruhe concluded.
100% of all donations received will be disbursed through NC IDEA’s programs. Details about the fundraising effort can be found at: