Armed with $600K grant, NCSU researchers aim to improve COVID-19 test kit distribution


罗利 – Getting accurate, timely information on COVID-19 cases is one of the major challenges facing policymakers as they make decisions about public health and the economy. Researchers at North Carolina State University are embarking on a project aimed at making sure test kits are available where they are most needed, so that policymakers have the information they need.

Specifically, researchers are developing a computational model that can be used to identify the best allocation plans for distributing test kits to hospitals, clinics, and relevant state agencies. The work is being done with support from a one-year, $600,000 grant from the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL).

The model can be updated as new information becomes available, and will be used to address key questions related to COVID-19 testing:

  • 分配到选定地点的试剂和检测试剂盒的最佳分配方式是什么?
  • What test kits should be stockpiled for use in case of a second wave of COVID-19 infections?
  • 应如何定位库存和检测能力,以实现检测试剂盒的快速分发以及检测样本的收集、运输和分析?
  • 随着新冠病例模式对试剂盒的需求发生变化,系统将如何适应患者管理和检测方案的变化?
  • 不同类型的检测试剂盒(分子、抗原和抗体)需要哪些不同的策略?

“This is an extremely complex supply chain, with many different players and a host of variables to consider,” says Rob Handfield, principal investigator on the grant and Bank of America University Distinguished Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management in NC State’s Poole College of Management. “We are going to start by developing the model for North Carolina, and will extend this to the US by the end of the project. Part of the challenge will be simply identifying all of the suppliers of test kits and materials.”

“Another challenging aspect is that a ‘kit’ can mean different things, from just the materials that are needed to collect the biological sample and preserve it, to the personal protective equipment required to protect the health care worker collecting the sample,” says Don Warsing, a co-investigator on the grant and associate professor of operations and supply chain management at NC State.

“This space is moving and changing very rapidly, and the nature of the crisis is such that outbreaks continue to pop up and shift over time. One challenge we’re working on is a way to dynamically, and fairly, allocate limited supplies to the points of greatest need.”

The team hopes to develop a working prototype of the model and implementation protocols for North Carolina by later this year, and a working national model by June 2021.

NIIMBL is a public-private partnership whose mission is to accelerate biopharmaceutical innovation, support the development of standards that enable more efficient and rapid manufacturing capabilities, and educate and train a world-leading biopharmaceutical manufacturing workforce, fundamentally advancing U.S. competitiveness in this industry. NIIMBL is funded through a cooperative agreement with the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the U.S. Department of Commerce with significant additional support from its members.

This work was performed under financial assistance award 70NANB20H037 from the U. S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

(C) 北卡罗来纳州立大学

原文来源: WRAL 技术线