Artificial intelligence monitors NC traffic, helps prevent crashes

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At this very moment, artificial intelligence is tracking activity on North Carolina roadways. It’s part of an effort to prevent potential accidents – or spur a quicker emergency response.

The AI system gathers a variety of signals from existing technologies like mobile apps, connected vehicles and weather and event management systems.

“It is coming in and sending us information about how people are moving and what direction vehicles are going and so on and so on,” said Paul-Matthew Zamsky, head of strategic partnerships with Waycare, Ltd.

The company is partnered with many government agencies across the country, including the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles,

The goal is to better understand traffic patterns and behavior without the need for more expensive infrastructure.

“The idea is to use the vehicles as a virtual sensor on the roadways,” said Zamsky.

The data is shared with state agencies, including emergency responders. For example, with AI, a 911 center may hear about a crash before a human can even place a call.

“That’s what we’re using to shift from a reactive to a proactive approach in traffic management,” said Zamsky.

He says potential dangers on the road may be identified and removed more quickly, including objects on the road, potholes and other hazards impeding traffic flow.

Zamsky says Waycare’s AI system may help predict traffic management issues. Humans, he says, cannot process that type of information flow fast enough.

“That’s why A.I machinery comes into say let’s look at all this information. How do we make the most informed decision with all these different sources of of data,” he says.

That information, he says, may be used in improving the planning of new roadway projects.

The results may save drivers time, gas money and even save lives. In southern Nevada, Zamsky says the system helped lead to a 15-to-18-percent reduction in crashes on certain projects.

Original Source: WRAL